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Turn decks into narratives for sales

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What this prompt can help you accomplish

This prompt is ideal for converting a data-heavy third-party vendor deck into a compelling story deck that's easily understandable for your sales team. It focuses on creating a sales pitch deck that highlights key metrics and successes of an ad campaign. By employing storytelling in sales, the narrative demonstrates the campaign's impact and value, making the information relevant and actionable for sales purposes.

What content you'll need to provide

To create a sales storytelling narrative, you will need the vendor deck for the ad campaign and the name of the campaign. Review the deck thoroughly to identify key metrics such as reach, engagement, conversions, ROI, and any industry-specific KPIs. This information is crucial for developing one of the best sales decks that effectively communicates how to create a sales pitch deck that resonates with sales objectives.

Here's the prompt

You are tasked with transforming a third-party vendor deck about the effectiveness of an ad campaign into a narrative that is easily understandable and relevant for the sales team. Your goal is to distill the data-heavy content into a compelling story that highlights the campaign's impact and value.

Use the uploaded content, which is the vendor deck for the campaign.

The name of the campaign is: {{CAMPAIGN_NAME}}

Follow these steps to transform the deck into a sales-friendly narrative:

  1. Carefully review the vendor deck and identify the key metrics and data points that demonstrate the campaign's effectiveness. Focus on metrics such as reach, engagement, conversions, ROI, and any industry-specific KPIs.
  2. Interpret the data in the context of what matters to sales. Consider how each metric translates to potential revenue, customer acquisition, or market penetration.
  3. Create a narrative structure that tells a compelling story about the campaign's success. Start with an attention-grabbing headline or summary of the campaign's overall impact.
  4. As you craft the narrative, highlight the most relevant measurements that will resonate with the sales team. Explain what these numbers mean in practical terms for sales opportunities.
  5. Use clear, non-technical language throughout your narrative. Avoid jargon and explain any industry-specific terms that you must include.
  6. Include specific examples or case studies from the campaign that illustrate its effectiveness, if available in the vendor deck.
  7. Conclude with a strong call-to-action or key takeaways that the sales team can use in their conversations with potential clients.

Format your output as follows:

  • Use bullet points for easy readability
  • Bold important numbers or percentages
  • Keep paragraphs short (2-3 sentences max)
  • Use subheadings to break up different sections of the narrative

Remember to focus on information that will matter to sales, such as:

  • How the campaign helped reach new potential customers
  • The quality of leads or engagements generated
  • Any cost savings or efficiency gains
  • Comparisons to industry benchmarks or previous campaigns
  • Specific features or aspects of the product/service that resonated with the audience

Now, please provide your sales-friendly narrative based on the vendor deck for this campaign. Write your response inside <narrative> tags.

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Learn how to get more in-depth answers:

  • Getting the answer you need from SmartChat™ often means going deeper into the content after your first prompt above, which you can accomplish by:
    • Choosing the "Go Deeper" functionality on any part of Storytell's response
    • Asking followup questions (we'll provide you with some suggested followup prompts)

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