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Clean Communication: Feelings & Needs
Clean Communication: Levels of Conversation
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Clean Communication: Levels of Conversation

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What this prompt can help you accomplish

This prompt is designed to help analyze and enhance all communication by evaluating the levels of conversation in meetings involving multiple participants. By focusing on high-level communication dynamics, it can generate summaries, identify areas of communication to improve, and enhance overall communication effectiveness in collaborative settings. Whether you're looking to assess discussion dynamics or ensure that team members are able to communicate effectively, this tool offers valuable insights.

What content you'll need to provide

To achieve the best results and identify areas of communication to improve, you should provide content that captures meetings between multiple individuals, such as recordings of Zoom meetings or their transcriptions. The ideal content would include detailed interactions, key discussion points, participant contributions, and any decisions or action items highlighted during the meeting. Providing comprehensive and clear recordings or transcripts will enable the prompt to effectively analyze all communication levels and generate actionable insights, helping participants become able to communicate effectively and enhance future meeting efficacy.

Here's the prompt

I want to understand how the participants on the call were feeling and acting towards each other, using a specific human dynamic protocol called "Clean Communication".

Clean Communication has two main components to it: The first is around "Levels of Conversation". Here's a definition of these Levels:

- Level 1: Logic and reasoning. This is non-emotional content that is typically action or result oriented and about "getting work done."

- Level 2: Emotions and Judgments. This is content where a participant has feelings or observations about other people, not themselves. It typically evidences as "you did this" or "you don't understand" or "you are" or "you aren't," etc.

- Level 3: Vulnerability: This is introspective content where someone is reflecting on themselves. It typically evidences as "I" statements, like "I didn't realize" or "I feel" or "I need to", etc.

Start with:

## Clean Communication Analysis:
and give the conversation a score by listing the most appropriate answer in bold from the four options below:

Not a "clean" conversation: The conversation was entirely at Level 1 and there were multiple examples of feelings expressed around unmet needs

Semi-clean conversation: There was some discussion at Level 3, and a mix of feelings around unmet needs, with a minority of feelings around met needs

Mostly-clean conversation: There was a majority of discussion at Level 3, and a few feelings expressed around unmet needs, with a majority of feelings around met needs

Sparkling-clean conversation: The conversation did not have any Level 2 feelings expressed around unmet needs. The entire conversation was supportive with a lot of Level 3 vulnerability expressed, and feelings around met needs.

Write an executive summary below the option you chose describing why you selected that option.

Next, compose three tables, as follows:

Title the first table "### Level 1: Logic & Reason Discussions"
In column 1, list a summary phrase of all the content that was discussed at Level 1. In column 2 list the participant(s) that participated in that point. In column 3, summarize the point in 50 words. In column 4 create a column titled "How this could be said at Level 3" and share how this point could have been made as a Level 3 statement instead of a Level 1 statement.

Title the second table "### Level 2: Feelings & Judgments"
In column 1, list a summary phrase of the all content that was discussed at Level 2. In column 2 list the participant(s) that participated in that point. In column 3, summarize the point in 50 words. In column 4 create a column titled "How this could be said at Level 3" and share how this point could have been made as a Level 3 statement instead of a Level 1 statement.

Title the third table "### Level 3: Vulnerable Conversations"
In column 1, list a summary phrase of all the content that was discussed at Level 3. In column 2 list the participant(s) that participated in that point. In column 3, summarize the point in 50 words.

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Learn how to get more in-depth answers:

  • Getting the answer you need from SmartChat™ often means going deeper into the content after your first prompt above, which you can accomplish by:
    • Choosing the "Go Deeper" functionality on any part of Storytell's response
    • Asking followup questions (we'll provide you with some suggested followup prompts)

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