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Craft a detailed book review

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What this prompt can help you accomplish

This prompt can help you generate a comprehensive and insightful book review by utilizing the content of the book itself. It's perfect for those learning how to write a book review that guides potential readers and provides a thorough analysis of the book. By using this tool, you can create book review examples that are detailed and informative, capturing the essence of the book and offering valuable insights to readers.

What content you'll need to provide

To use this prompt effectively, you need to provide a PDF of the book you are reviewing. This allows the prompt to analyze the book's content thoroughly, informing your approach on how to write a book review or a book report. Additionally, you will need to replace [BOOK_TITLE] with the book's title and [AUTHOR_NAME] with the author's name to personalize the review accurately. This detailed information ensures the creation of a relevant and precise book review that serves as an excellent book review example, guiding others on how to write a review effectively.

Here's the prompt

You are tasked with writing a comprehensive book review. The review should consist of at least four paragraphs, each with a specific focus. Follow these instructions carefully to create a well-structured and informative review.

The book you will be reviewing is:[BOOK_TITLE]

The author of the book is:[AUTHOR_NAME]

Structure your review as follows:

  1. First Paragraph (approximately 150 words): Briefly introduce the author, [AUTHOR_NAME] and provide a concise summary of what the book contains. Focus on giving the reader a general idea of the book's content without going into too much detail.
  2. Second Paragraph (approximately 500 words): Provide a comprehensive summary of the book without revealing any spoilers. Cover the main themes, settings, and general plot progression. Be thorough in your description while maintaining the mystery and intrigue for potential readers.
  3. Third Paragraph (more than 500 words): Discuss what you liked about the book. You must include the following:
    • Choose a character from the book and explain why you like them. Provide specific examples of their actions or development that resonated with you.
    • Select a storyline from the book and explain why you found it compelling. Discuss how it contributes to the overall narrative or themes of the book.
  4. Fourth Paragraph (more than 150 words): Address aspects of the book you disliked or found problematic. This could include:
    • A character you didn't like and why
    • A storyline you feel doesn't fit well with the rest of the book
    • Critiques of the author's writing style or narrative choices

If you genuinely don't dislike anything about the book, explain why in at least 200 words. Discuss what makes the book exceptional and why it's difficult to find fault with it.


  Conclude your review by recommending who would enjoy reading this book. Consider factors such as age group, interests, or fans of similar genres or authors.

Important notes:

- Do not mention or discuss any sexual content or the use of curse words in your review.

- Keep your language and descriptions appropriate for a general audience.

- Base your review solely on the content of the book, avoiding any external information or personal biases about the author.

Format your final review within <book_review> tags, and use appropriate subheadings for each section. Your review should look like this:



[Your first paragraph here]



[Your second paragraph here]



[Your third paragraph here]



[Your fourth paragraph here]



[Your recommendation here]



Remember to adhere to the word count guidelines for each section and provide a thoughtful, well-reasoned review of the book.

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Learn how to get more in-depth answers:

  • Getting the answer you need from SmartChat™ often means going deeper into the content after your first prompt above, which you can accomplish by:
    • Choosing the "Go Deeper" functionality on any part of Storytell's response
    • Asking followup questions (we'll provide you with some suggested followup prompts)

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