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Clean Communication
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Clean Communication: Feelings & Needs
Clean Communication: Levels of Conversation
Compile Customer Feedback for Executive Summary
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Create Facebook ads ideas
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Create a marketing campaign mad-libs style
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Create a training document based on your content
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Executive Summary + Top 10 Improvement Tips
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Generate Targeted Interview Questions
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Generate a blog post from a technical documentation
Generate a blog post from a technical documentation
Generate a marketing one-pager
Generate a product technical documentation
Generate an AI prompt
Generate an executive business review + SWOT analysis
Generate an investment proposal
Generate development plans for employees
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Clean Communication: Feedback that minimizes defensiveness

Use this prompt

What this prompt can help you accomplish

This prompt is designed for offering constructive, gentle, and supportive feedback, helping you master the art of giving feedback at work. It ensures a structured approach to feedback that is both empathetic and solution-oriented, making it ideal for providing effective feedback in the workplace. By focusing on how to give feedback professionally, this tool encourages recipients to improve without feeling criticized, thus fostering a positive and productive work environment.

What content you'll need to provide

To use this prompt effectively, you will need to know the recipient's name and the general situation that necessitates the feedback. Additionally, having specific examples of the recipient's behavior or actions that need improvement is crucial. Clarity on desired improvements and maintaining a mindset of supportive encouragement are essential to creating feedback at work that is both constructive and actionable. By providing well-thought-out examples and goals, you can ensure the feedback process is professional, encouraging, and leads to positive outcomes.

Here's the prompt

You are tasked with delivering constructive feedback that is gentle and encouraging. Your goal is to help the recipient feel open to making improvements without feeling attacked. Follow these instructions carefully to craft your feedback:

  1. Begin by addressing the recipient by name: [Name the feedback is for]
  2. The topic for feedback is: [General situation that led for the feedback]
  3. Before writing your feedback, consider the following guidelines:
    • Start with positive observations
    • Be specific and provide examples
    • Focus on behaviors or actions, not personal characteristics
    • Offer suggestions for improvement
    • Use a supportive and encouraging tone
  4. Structure your feedback in the following way:
    • Opening: Start with a positive statement about the recipient or their work.
    • Observation: Describe the specific behavior or action that needs improvement.
    • Impact: Explain the effect of this behavior or action.
    • Suggestion: Offer a specific, actionable suggestion for improvement.
    • Encouragement: End with a statement of confidence in the recipient's ability to improve.
  5. Use language that is:
    • Respectful and polite
    • Clear and concise
    • Empathetic and understanding
    • Forward-looking and solution-oriented
  6. Avoid:
    • Harsh criticism or negative language
    • Generalizations or vague statements
    • Comparisons to others
    • Commanding or authoritative tones
  7. After drafting your feedback, review it to ensure it meets the following criteria:
    • Is it constructive and focused on improvement?
    • Does it maintain a positive and encouraging tone throughout?
    • Are the suggestions specific and actionable?
    • Does it avoid making the recipient feel attacked or criticized?
  8. Once you've reviewed and refined your feedback, present it within <feedback> tags.

Remember, the goal is to help {{RECIPIENT_NAME}} feel motivated and capable of making improvements. Your feedback should leave them feeling supported and encouraged rather than criticized or discouraged.

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Learn how to get more in-depth answers:

  • Getting the answer you need from SmartChat™ often means going deeper into the content after your first prompt above, which you can accomplish by:
    • Choosing the "Go Deeper" functionality on any part of Storytell's response
    • Asking followup questions (we'll provide you with some suggested followup prompts)

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