storytell use cases

How to use AI
as a
Market Analyst

Streamline the process of extracting relevant information from large datasets to save time and effort. Then you can delve deeper into specific areas of interest, uncovering insights that might be missed otherwise.

Market Analyst

A collection of the most useful one-step prompts

Go to prompt
Deeper Analysis
Go to prompt
Executive Summary
Go to prompt
Business Insights
Go to prompt
Getting Answers
Investment analysis
Project Proposals
Go to prompt
Business Insights
Executive Summary
Customer Success
Investment analysis
Deeper Analysis
Go to prompt
Business Insights
Go to prompt
Go to prompt
Go to prompt
Go to prompt
Go to prompt
Business Insights
Go to prompt
Business Insights
Executive Summary
Go to prompt
Go to prompt
Go to prompt
Go to prompt
Business Insights
Deeper Analysis
Investment analysis
Project Proposals
Go to prompt

Market Analyst
Multi-Step Prompts

Storytell will guide you through a multi-step prompting process to provide even better answers

Automate the process of organizing and summarizing information

Go to prompt

Generate Executive Business Reviews (EBRs)

Go to prompt

Find the "hidden insights" to explain the performance of these media assets

Go to prompt

Generate specific, actionable recommendations to boost viewership and ratings for TV programs

Go to prompt

Develop a strategic plan for adapting to industry changes

Go to prompt

Conduct a structured framework analysis on unstructured content

Go to prompt

Compare and analyze opposing arguments & perspectives in complex, dense, technical documents

Go to prompt

Get key insights from complex unstructured source content

Go to prompt

Analyze large datasets to unlock insights & set strategic direction

Go to prompt

Understand and explain complex whitepapers

Go to prompt

Summarize and analyze a 10-K report

Go to prompt

Chat with internal data tool

Go to prompt

Conduct a landscape analysis

Go to prompt

Create a citation based on different citation styles

Go to prompt

Create a marketing plan to increase TV show viewership

Go to prompt

Why prompt with Storytell?

Efficient data synthesis and analysis

Upload your data and interact with this data through natural language queries. You’ll be able to quickly synthesize and analyze large volumes of both structured and unstructured data. Here’s our current capability in our beta.

Enhanced storytelling and presentation

We’ll help you craft compelling narratives from data, which is crucial for marketing analysts who need to present insights to different stakeholders. Might that be you? Our platform can generate executive summaries, strategic recommendations, and creative ideas for pitches, making it easier to communicate complex data in an engaging and understandable way.

Collaboration and knowledge sharing

Our collaborative intelligence platform allows teams to work together more effectively by sharing and interacting with the same data. This capability, currently available on SmartChat™ and in development in our beta, ensures that all team members are aligned and can contribute to the analysis and decision-making process.

Collectively, these features help marketing analysts save time, improve the quality of their insights, and enhance their ability to communicate findings effectively.

What users are saying

“Storytell allows us to create a marketing umbrella with really just one point of contact, which is me. [Storytell helps me] come up with the topic, research the topic, fit the topic to our own industry and our own company, talk about what we’re doing relative to that topic different than other folks, create a presentation from that.”
Grant Simmons

Grant Simmons

VP Kochava Foundry

Kochava Foundry

"I began experimenting with Storytell. And as I started using it, I realized, with the conflation of the small businesses using AI, that instead of many large companies with many technical writers, and marketing writers and so forth, we may see instead see many, many, many small companies popping up, with one or two writers, and an AI to help them supplement their activities.”
Cheryl Solis

Cheryl Solis

Founding Technical Writer


"I use Storytell, more recently for a lot of, like, findings for content, trying to find, like, customer quotes for marketing, to, like, upload content strategy. You know, we're really trying to promote our users. And, yeah, I've been pretty successful this week. I think trying to just get a few a few bits of content also. My team also uses it for 2 parts through all our documentation. A bit better because our search Confluence is horrible. So Storytell makes it easier to search through horrible documents scattered around”
Phin Hochart

Phin Hochart

Head of Product


Ready to transform your
market analysis
with AI-driven insights?

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