storytell use cases

How to use AI
Market Intelligence

Streamline the process of extracting relevant information from large datasets, saving time and effort. Then you can delve deeper into specific areas of interest, ensuring consistent intelligence analysis across different datasets and reports.

Market Intelligence

A collection of the most useful one-step prompts

Market Intelligence
Multi-Step Prompts

Storytell will guide you through a multi-step prompting process to provide even better answers

Conduct a landscape analysis

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Conduct a structured framework analysis on unstructured content

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Analyze large datasets to unlock insights & set strategic direction

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Generate a category analysis

I need to synthesize and make sense of a lot of different research sources in order to something interesting & new about a particular topic.

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Analyze social intelligence

I need to understand how customer or viewer sentiment is changing over time according to social media

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Get aggregated insights from our third-party vendor reports

I want to understand what media performs better than others to inform sales & marketing as they’re making decisions about which media to buy.

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Transform decks into digestible content for Sales

I need to take a deck from a third-party vendor and turn it into a story that’s meaningful and impactful for our sales team.

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Understanding depth and breadth of research at scale

I need to garner top-level and granular insights on survey data I’ve conducted.

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Create succinct, impactful presentations by distilling insights into key messages

I need to take many insights and boil them down to their essence for a presentation with key stakeholders.

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Easily surface videos with consumers at scale

I need to be able to search for quotes from consumers in their social media videos and pull relevant clips for presentations with internal stakeholders.

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Use industry reports and other data to recommend strategies in media and entertainment

I need to craft a strategic roadmap using industry reports and data to navigate the media and entertainment landscape.

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Communicate how viewership is changing

I need to capture and explain the shifting trends in viewership in a weekly email.

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Create a marketing plan to increase TV show viewership

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Knowledge bases to support my sales teams

I want Sales to be able to answer their own questions of our available data, albeit with some guardrails

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Analyze requests from sales to properly route them to the right department/s

I want to understand the types of requests I get from sales so I can effectively triage them.

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Why prompt with Storytell?

Enhanced Data Integration and Analysis:

Upload your multiple data files and integrate them into a cohesive narrative. This is particularly useful for marketing intelligence professionals who deal with various data sources, such as custom studies, brand lift surveys, and sales data from third-party vendors. The ability to combine these disparate data sets into a unified story can provide a comprehensive view of marketing effectiveness. Here’s our current capability in our beta.

Advanced Analytical Capabilities

We offer 1-click to value prompts like SWOT analysis, which can break down strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and even provide actionable insights such as "double down" strategies and "fixable threats." This helps professionals to derive deeper insights from their data without extensive manual analysis.

Effortless Organization

Threads help users keep discussions about specific files well-organized. Each thread preserves the conversation history and context, making it easy to track progress and revisit previous discussions. Additionally, users can highlight parts of Storytell’s responses and request more details or similar content, which promotes a deeper understanding. This feature allows users to explore specific sections without losing sight of the overall conversation.

Collectively, these features help marketing intelligence professionals save time, ensure consistent analysis, and reduce the risk of human error in data interpretation.

Here's how to put our prompts to use

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What users are saying

“Storytell allows us to create a marketing umbrella with really just one point of contact, which is me. [Storytell helps me] come up with the topic, research the topic, fit the topic to our own industry and our own company, talk about what we’re doing relative to that topic different than other folks, create a presentation from that.”
Grant Simmons

Grant Simmons

VP Kochava Foundry

Kochava Foundry

"I began experimenting with Storytell. And as I started using it, I realized, with the conflation of the small businesses using AI, that instead of many large companies with many technical writers, and marketing writers and so forth, we may see instead see many, many, many small companies popping up, with one or two writers, and an AI to help them supplement their activities.”
Cheryl Solis

Cheryl Solis

Founding Technical Writer


"I use Storytell, more recently for a lot of, like, findings for content, trying to find, like, customer quotes for marketing, to, like, upload content strategy. You know, we're really trying to promote our users. And, yeah, I've been pretty successful this week. I think trying to just get a few a few bits of content also. My team also uses it for 2 parts through all our documentation. A bit better because our search Confluence is horrible. So Storytell makes it easier to search through horrible documents scattered around”
Phin Hochart

Phin Hochart

Head of Product


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