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Get children’s quotes from a transcript or video

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What this prompt can help you accomplish

This prompt is ideal for extracting and highlighting direct quotes from children in a video transcript. It ensures that the children's voices and perspectives are prominently featured without any added commentary or interpretation. By using this tool effectively, you can enhance the authenticity of your content, similar to what a marketing agent might do when using a subtitle extractor to ensure the message comes across clearly. Learn how to extract subtitles from video to make sure no child's quote is left behind, leveraging techniques often used to extract closed captions from YouTube or to get subtitles from video files like MP4s.

What content you'll need to provide

To utilize this prompt effectively, you need the full transcript of the video in question. This transcript should clearly distinguish between different speakers, similar to how you would extract subtitle from MP4 files, including any introductory or narration sections. The task requires carefully reading through the transcript to identify and extract direct quotes from the children participants while ignoring any non-children dialogue or narrative descriptions. This approach is akin to the precision needed when figuring out how to extract subtitles from video for a curated collection of verbatim quotes that accurately reflect the children's contributions.

Here's the prompt

You will be given a transcript of a video. Your task is to extract quotes from the participants in the video, specifically focusing on the children's responses. Here are the detailed instructions:

  1. First, you will receive the video transcript, which has been uploaded
  2. Your goal is to extract quotes that are:
    • Only from the participants (specifically, the children)
    • Not from any introductory or narration sections
    • Direct speech from the children
  3. To accomplish this task:
    • Carefully read through the entire transcript
    • Identify the point where the introduction ends and the children start speaking
    • Look for quotes that are clearly from the children participants
    • Ignore any narrator comments or descriptions
  4. For each relevant quote you find:
    • Extract the exact words spoken by the child
    • If available, include a brief identifier for the child (e.g., "Girl 1", "Boy 2")
    • Format each quote as follows:
           [Identifier (if available)]: "Exact words spoken by the child"
  5. Additional guidelines:
    • Do not paraphrase or summarize. Use the exact words from the transcript.
    • If a child's response is split by narrator comments, you may combine the parts if it forms a coherent thought.
    • If you're unsure if a quote is from a child or not, err on the side of caution and do not include it.
    • Do not include any analysis or commentary of your own.
  6. After extracting all relevant quotes, present them in the order they appear in the transcript.
  7. If there are no relevant quotes from children in the transcript, state this clearly in your response.

Remember, the focus is on hearing directly from the kids, so prioritize their voices and perspectives in the quotes you select. Present your final list of quotes within <quotes> tags.

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Learn how to get more in-depth answers:

  • Getting the answer you need from SmartChat™ often means going deeper into the content after your first prompt above, which you can accomplish by:
    • Choosing the "Go Deeper" functionality on any part of Storytell's response
    • Asking followup questions (we'll provide you with some suggested followup prompts)

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