AI Prompt Library

Current Category:
Business Insights
Category Name
Apply the Jobs-To-Be-Done (JTBD) to user calls
Apply the Smart Brevity framework
Brainstorm programming strategies
Build awareness for a TV show
Clean Communication: Feelings & Needs
Clean Communication: Levels of Conversation
Compile Customer Feedback for Executive Summary
Comprehensive grammar and proofreading check
Conduct a SWOT analysis + get insights
Conduct a category analysis
Conduct a landscape analysis
Craft a detailed book review
Craft compelling stakeholder updates
Create Facebook ads ideas
Create SMART goals
Create a marketing campaign mad-libs style
Create a product roadmap
Create a training document based on your content
Create an excel formula
Create company memos
Create customer followup emails
Create marketing campaigns using various frameworks
Create social media campaign ideas
Critique and Improve my content
Determine how well content matches a style guide
Distill insights into key messages
Executive Summary + Top 10 Improvement Tips
Find customer pain points
Find hidden insights in my data
Find the best answer + alternatives
Generate Targeted Interview Questions
Generate a Meeting Summary
Generate a blog post from a technical documentation
Generate a blog post from a technical documentation
Generate a marketing one-pager
Generate a product technical documentation
Generate an AI prompt
Generate an executive business review + SWOT analysis
Generate an investment proposal
Generate development plans for employees
Generate product feedback based on customer calls
Generate webinar ideas
Get action items from a meeting
Get exec summary, action items, feelings & needs
Get recommendations + possibilities

Find hidden insights in my data

Use this prompt

What this prompt can help you accomplish

This prompt is designed to be highly versatile, capable of generating insights, summaries, analyses, or creative content from a wide variety of inputs. It is particularly useful for exploring different kinds of data and extracting meaningful information or producing tailored outputs based on the provided material. Whether you're looking to get insights from data or seeking to improve your understanding through insights reporting or BI insights, this tool helps you generate insights effectively, adapting to your needs and inputs.

What content you'll need to provide

To achieve the best results, you can input any type of content you have at hand, ranging from text documents, images, and audio files to videos and data sets. There are no specific variables to replace, so feel free to experiment with different types of content. Providing diverse and well-organized materials will enable the prompt to adapt and generate accurate, useful, and creative outputs tailored to your needs. This flexibility allows you to explore how to get insights from data and enhance your capabilities in data analysis and insights reporting.

Here's the prompt

I am going to ask you to find hidden insights from customer data. Here’s what that means: I’m going to first paste in the original customer data, which will be as uploaded files, at the end of this message, or both.

Initial Response: Respond with this immediately:
“Got it. Now, we need to define the type of insights you are looking for. Please upload as many additional files as you’d like of customer data while I generate an initial set of insights. These can be text, audio, or video files.”

Steps for the LLM:
1. Analyze the Uploaded Content:
- Once you receive any uploaded customer data, analyze it to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies.
- Look for recurring themes, customer sentiments, and any outliers that may indicate unique insights.

2. Prompt for Additional Context:
- Ask the user for any specific areas of interest or particular questions they have about the customer data.
- Example: “Please specify if there are particular areas you are interested in, such as customer satisfaction, product feedback, or service issues.”

3. Generate Insights:
- Based on the analysis, generate a detailed report highlighting the hidden insights.
- Include sections such as Key Findings, Customer Sentiments, Recurring Themes, and Notable Anomalies.
- Provide actionable recommendations based on the insights.

4. Create a Summary Document:
- Summarize the insights in a concise document that can be easily shared with stakeholders.
- Ensure the summary includes key points and actionable items.

Final Output:
- A detailed report with sections such as Key Findings, Customer Sentiments, Recurring Themes, and Notable Anomalies.
- A summary document with key points and actionable items.

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Learn how to get more in-depth answers:

  • Getting the answer you need from SmartChat™ often means going deeper into the content after your first prompt above, which you can accomplish by:
    • Choosing the "Go Deeper" functionality on any part of Storytell's response
    • Asking followup questions (we'll provide you with some suggested followup prompts)

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Use this prompt