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Using Storytell to Build Storytell

We really believe in the power of using the product we're building. Here are a few examples of how we've been doing that since Storytell was born.

October 14, 2022
Using Storytell to Build Storytell

Eating our own dogfood

We really believe in the power of using the product we're building. Here are a few examples of how we've been doing that since Storytell was born.

Storytell came up with its own  company name

When we were incorporating Storytell, we had to come up with a corporation name. We inputted in our conversation about the vision and mission of Storytell and it gave us back three options. We chose Signal from Noise, Inc. from the list.

Storytell Wrote its own Vision and Mission

When we were first starting Storytell, we spent an hour brainstorming why we were so passionate about using artificial intelligence to make humans more effective. We recorded that conversation using Otter, loaded the transcript into Storytell, and asked Storytell to define a Vision and Mission for us. Here's what it came up with:

Storytell exists to create a world that is simpler, more focused and more meaningful by distilling signal from noise.
Jing in action running raw transcript text through Storytell

🎙️ Here’s a snippet of audio describing how DROdio created a text file from the Otter brainstorm called vision.txt and ran it through Storytell to get our Vision & Mission, and the Founders discussing & agreeing to Storytell’s output



Here's what we rolled out this week
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