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Becoming AI Superpowered at Work
As an early adopter, you have an opportunity to shine
November 6, 2024

If you’re using generative AI at work, you’re already ahead of the game. The most recent Gallup polls show that two-thirds of the American workforce have never touched it. Yet those who have are seeing productivity gains.
So, what have one-third of US employees figured out? What do they know that the rest don't? Here’s what I see happening:
- These early adopters are willing to do the work of making AI work for them instead of waiting for AI to figure them out
- This active stance, or lean in
- suggests an enthusiasm for new solutions
- a willinges to "tinker”
- an abundance of pain
What do I mean by pain? People who are feeling the challenge of
- Making sense of high volumes of unstructured data (meeting notes, video, audio, etc)
- This content is viewed as important in at least one of these ways:
- Business critical
- The basis for product or business direction
- Source of high-value output
- Overwhelming business expectations (fast-paced environment, high-stress deadlines)
- Overwhelming opportunity (ability to close deals using AI as an assist)
You can see where this lines up with Geoffrey A. Moore’s Crossing the Chasm.

As an early adopter, as long as you can improve your outcome, all you need is a few dials and levers to pull. The truth is, interacting with Gen AI does take some figuring out, even if it's getting easier all the time. For instance, you need to learn how to dictate instructions to get the output you want.
When I talk to people about AI, some insist that “AI doesn’t work.” How do you reconcile that with the thousands if not millions getting value from it? One key to the puzzle is your relationship to AI. What we’ve noticed is that some (but not all) of our avid users identify as AI curious or enthusiasts, whereas those who define themselves as AI cautious are not ready to bring AI into their workday.

Perhaps the missing piece here is education: because we’re adopting an entirely new technology, we’re learning that we need to change our behavior and our expectations. The more we see people like us, in roles like ours, doing some of the same tasks we have to accomplish on our own, experiencing the benefit of AI assistance, the more likely we are to try it ourselves.

Nearly half of employees report improved productivity and efficiency thanks to AI, as the image bellow illustrates. Beyond boosting output, AI fosters creativity, enhances product quality, and improves decision-making. It's not limited to customer service; AI improves collaboration, communication, and even reduces costs. While skepticism exists, these benefits underscore AI's potential as a workplace ally, offering solutions and new opportunities. From data security to organizational ethics, AI's impact is both broad and profound, helping us work smarter and more effectively together.

Being ahead of the curve of generative AI at work puts you in a prime position to harness its capabilities and stand out. As the majority of the workforce remains unfamiliar with AI, those who embrace it are reaping noticeable productivity gains. By shifting from an AI-cautious mindset to one of curiosity and enthusiasm, you can redefine your workday with enhanced efficiency and innovation. Remember, adopting AI requires a willingness to adapt and learn, but the potential rewards make it a journey worth embarking on.
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