Coming Soon

AI Firewall

Enhance user privacy and data security by segmenting work and personal data, ensuring that sensitive data remains protected across different contexts.

Trusted by users at leading companies

Enterprise Control

Harness the transformative power of AI while maintaining auditable oversight and controls

Firewall employee’s personal and professional AI use

  • Completely separate environments between employees’ use of AI for work vs. personal tasks without data leakage between the two
  • Provide personal AI environments as a company benefit

“Storytell allows knowledge workers to become stronger critical thinkers, and that's missing in corporate America. Storytell handles the heavy lifting and low value tasks so my teams can focus on the analysis and critical thinking.”

Vinnie Dela Valle
Former SVP, Audience Impact & Intelligence

Stop sifting through noise & let Storytell find the signal

SOC2 Type 2



We don't train LLMs on your data