Everyone is Crew

We cultivate a spirit of mutual assistance where everyone puts their oars in the water.

What this value means:

  • We are here to be builders together. Not everyone is cut out to be a builder — we make sure in our interview process we identify and hire the very special people who like to come in early and create something magical for the world.
  • Everyone, regardless of their role, contributes equally to the success of the organization.
  • Collectively, we call ourselves a Crew. This means several things to us:
  • We are more than a “team.” A team comes together to accomplish a goal (like winning a game). We love to win, but we work together to do much more than just that. We are here to realize Storytell’s Vision together.
  • Crew is a more descriptive term that describes us collectively. Although most people think of the common definition, a group of people who work closely together, our definition also extends to the other definition of crew as well.

How to live this value:

  • Cultivate a spirit of mutual assistance where everyone puts their oars in the water.
  • Respond to urgent user needs even if it isn't "your job," ensuring that no one is just a passenger.
  • Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” — Joh F. KennedyEveryone in the company, regardless of their role, is of equal worth and dignity. It encourages a culture where insights and observations from all employees are welcomed and valued. This inclusive approach ensures that everyone feels responsible for the company's success, much like how JFK's quote inspires citizens to take personal responsibility for the welfare of their country.
  • *Even/Over Statements for this value:*
    • External data over internal beliefs

What this value doesn't mean:

  • This doesn't mean that everyone does everything all the time; it means stepping up when needed and supporting each other.

Why this value is important to us:

  • It fosters a collaborative environment where everyone's insights and contributions are valued.
  • It ensures that we can navigate challenges effectively by leveraging the collective strength of the team.

Putting it into action:

  • As part of the engineering org, you happen to see that a user has an urgent need, but our customer experience team is offline. Instead of closing your laptop, you respond to the user even though it isn't "your job." This doesn't mean spending hours with the user, but more so composing a thoughtful response and bringing it to CX's attention.


With our team spread across different time zones, we always have each other's backs. Even our founders and engineers step in to handle user issues when the PH CX team is off-shift. Truly a collaborative environment where everyone pitches in.
Pat Intervalo

Pat Intervalo

Customer Experience Admin

One of our core values is transparency by default, which allows us to see the moving parts of the business like gears in a well-oiled machine. When something urgent arises, rather than turning a blind eye, everyone is ready to step in and turn the first gear, setting the solution in motion.
Angela Baylon

Angela Baylon

Content Manager

“Stronger than one, stronger than ten.” We work stronger and more efficiently together. Everyone may have their own specialization, but we can all gather and rally together willingly to finish difficult and tedious tasks.
Lex Piga

Lex Piga

Operations Assistant

Everyone is always looking for ways to improve their skills, whether it’s a skill that’s part of their role or not. When something arises, everyone’s all hands on deck and ready to help out.
Mark Ku

Mark Ku

Customer Experience Specialist

As an Operations Lead, collaboration is central to my approach. I delegate tasks and step back when needed, fostering trust, valuing diverse opinions, and creating a positive, motivated environment where everyone feels appreciated and empowered to contribute. This ensures we operate cohesively, with no one left behind, optimizing our collective efforts for high impact results.
Margaux Dolores

Margaux Dolores

Operations Lead

The ‘Everyone is Crew’ value really speaks to me. In the fast-paced world of a startup, roles can change and evolve quickly, and I’ve learned how important it is to stay flexible. I’ve had the opportunity to support CX, Growth, Engineering, and other departments across the company, always jumping in wherever I’m needed. By doing this, I’m not just checking off tasks — I’m helping to drive us all forward. It’s this shared sense of responsibility and teamwork that makes Storytell such a special place where everyone plays a part in our success.
Jamie So

Jamie So

Executive Admin