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Forum Posts

May 26, 2023
In 💬 Share Your Feedback.
If you've ever wanted to share a summary of a YouTube video but struggled to find a convenient way to do so, we've got great news for you! You can now generate a URL that allows you to share your feedback and insights with others easily. Isn't that fantastic? No more struggling to explain a video's key points or going back and forth trying to find the correct timestamps. With this feature, you can create a concise summary of the video and share it with a simple link. Imagine all the ways this could be beneficial! Whether you're a professional sharing meeting minutes, a marketer providing video feedback to your team, or a casual viewer who wants to share highlights with friends, this feature will make your life easier. So why wait? Try it out for yourself and start sharing summaries of your favorite YouTube videos with ease. You'll wonder how you ever lived without it! Link to this message: #youtube #URL #feedback #users #value #source #share #summary
May 15, 2023
In 💬 Share Your Feedback.
Are you tired of waiting for your query results to load? Well, fret no longer! We have exciting news that will revolutionize the way you use Storytell. Our team has worked hard to solve the issue of sluggish query results, and we've come up with a solution that will blow your socks off. Introducing the new real-time output feature! With this new addition, you'll be able to view your query results in real-time and get the insights you need faster than ever before. We listened to your feedback and put it into action. So, get ready to experience a whole new level of efficiency and speed with our latest feature. Try it out now and see the difference for yourself! Link to this message:
New Feature: Seeing Chat Output In Realtime As System Is Generating content media
May 12, 2023
In 💬 Share Your Feedback.
Are slow loading times getting you down? Well, we've got some great news! We listened to your feedback and implemented an exciting new feature on our Chrome extension that allows you to chat with us before the content even loads! No more waiting around aimlessly for pages to load. Now you can jump right in and get the support you need. Our team is always here to help, and we're excited to connect with you even faster now. Thank you for helping us make our service even better! Link to this message: Keep the feedback coming! #feedback #webuildforyou #users #userfeedback #thankyou #ai #chatbot #gpt #gpt4 #chatgpt
New Feature: Chat Before Load content media
May 11, 2023
In 💬 Share Your Feedback.
We know how frustrating it can be to encounter errors while using your Chrome extension. But worry no more because we have the perfect solution for you! We are excited to announce that our updated Chrome extension now has a brand-new feature allowing a more visible error message. You can now easily see and understand what went wrong. Link to this message: Previously, our updated error message was blue: Based on your feedback, we've addressed the 'unable to read your content' error message and updated it to a more red color. To make things even better, we've also added a 'learn more' link so you can dive deeper into the extension's compatibility and how it works. We take your feedback seriously and strive to make our product the best it can be. Thanks to your insights, we were able to implement these updates to serve you better. So go ahead, download our updated Chrome extension, and enjoy a seamless user experience.
New Feature: Error Message On Incompatible Content Update content media
May 10, 2023
In 💬 Share Your Feedback.
We heard your feedback and have devised a solution to improve your document management experience! The problem we wanted to solve was the hassle of managing large PDFs and extracting critical and meaningful information from them. And now, with our new PDF upload feature, those troubles are no more! You can easily upload PDFs of any size and quickly extract key concepts using our summarization tool. We're thrilled to offer this efficient, time-saving solution to simplify your life. Get ready to experience the best document management yet - try our new PDF upload feature today! Link to this message: 👀Watch a quick demo. See results. Please leave us feedback.📢 Don’t waste any more time; try it out today! 🙏🏼
May 02, 2023
In 💬 Share Your Feedback.
Our Chrome extension onboarding needs feedback from you, our fantastic users, and we're here to fix it. We know that first impressions are everything, and we want to make sure your experience with the extension is top-notch from the start. So, we're asking for your help in improving our onboarding process for both new and current users. We're aware that the current onboarding process may be lacking in certain areas, and we want to hear from you to identify these areas and correct them. We're committed to making your experience with the extension as smooth as possible from beginning to end. So, come on, let's do this together! Help us by giving feedback on the design of the Chrome extension onboarding, and let's make it an even more enjoyable experience for everyone. Link to this message: Some questions we're wondering: 1. What would be the best user experience once the extension has been downloaded? 2. Do you want the tutorial to be mandatory or optional? 3. Do you want to be able to go back and review for a refresher? 4. What items do you want to be included in the tutorial? 5. What would make your experience better? 6. How can we set you up for success? We want to hear from you. Leave us a comment below. #feedback #user #onboarding #training #chrome #extension #help #lifeline #chatbot #userfeedback #bestof #iterate #design #ai
Give Us Feedback: Future Of Onboarding content media
Apr 26, 2023
In Storytell Prompt Marketplace
1. Improve your writing by getting feedback. Use this prompt: [paste your writing] "Proofread my writing above. Fix grammar and spelling mistakes. And make suggestions that will improve the clarity of my writing" ________ 2. Use the 80/20 principle to learn faster than ever. Prompt: "I want to learn about [insert topic]. Identify and share the most important 20% of learnings from this topic that will help me understand 80% of it." ________ 3. Learn and develop any new skill. Prompt: "I want to learn / get better at [insert desired skill]. I am a complete beginner. Create a 30 day learning plan that will help a beginner like me learn and improve this skill." ________ 4. Get short and insight-packed book summaries. Prompt: "Summarize the book [insert book] by the author [insert author] and give me a list of the most important learnings and insights." ________ 5. Get feedback from history's greatest minds. Prompt: "Assume you are [insert famous person e.g. Steve Jobs]. Read my argument below and give me feedback as if you were [insert person again]" [insert your argument] ________ 6. Enhance your problem solving skills. Prompt: "Your role is that of a problem solver. Give me a step-by-step guide to solving [insert your problem]." ________ 7. Generate new ideas and overcome writers block: Sample prompt: "I am writing a blog post about [insert topic]. Give me an outline for this blog post with 10 bullet points. Also give me 5 options for a catchy headline." You can adapt this prompt for whatever you're writing. ________ 8. Summarize long texts and accelerate your learning: Prompt: "Summarize the text below into 500 words or less. Create sections for each important point with a brief summary of that point." [insert text] ________ 9. Use stories and metaphors to aid your memory. Prompt: "I am currently learning about [insert topic]. Convert the key lessons from this topic into engaging stories and metaphors to aid my memorization." ________ 10. Strengthen your learning by testing yourself. Prompt: "I am currently learning about [insert topic]. Ask me a series of questions that will test my knowledge. Identify knowledge gaps in my answers and give me better answers to fill those gaps." Source
Apr 14, 2023
In Storytell Prompt Marketplace
Prompt #1: I am the vice president of a leading [enter industry/field] startup. How can I improve our knowledge management process to ensure that our employees have access to the latest information and insights to help them be more productive and effective at work? See Storytell Results Prompt #2: I am the vice president of a leading data security startup. List ideas on how I can promote a culture of continuous learning and development among our employees. See Storytell Results Prompt #3: I am the vice president of a leading data security startup. list ideas on how I can ensure that our employees are able to apply their skills and knowledge outside of work. Provide at least two examples for each idea that connects to the data security industry. See Storytell Results #datasecurity #data #security #chatbot #ai #machinelearning #LLM #corporate #prompt #prompts
Apr 12, 2023
In Storytell Prompt Marketplace
If you are a talent acquisition professional who is new to AI and ChatGPT, you may be wondering how this technology can help you in your daily tasks. ChatGPT is a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to communicate with users and provide them with information and assistance. Here are some ways that ChatGPT can help you in your role as a talent acquisition professional: Design Specific Interview Questions: Storytell can help design tailor-made interview questions based upon the prompt and parameters you set See Storytell Results - basic engineering questions See Storytell Results - technical coding backend questions Ask for candidate screening advice: Storytell has the ability to give advice on the type of qualities a recruiter might want to look for in a candidate. A user can also ask our chatbot how it came to that conclusion. See Storytell Results - qualities in an ML Engineer vs. what not to look for See Storytell Results - how our chatbot came to this conclusion Read resumes in plain text: Storytell is able to extract data from resumes that are sent in plain text via email. From there, a user can ask a series of questions to get more information about the candidate. See Storytell Results - best-fit positions with support directly from the resume Prompt chaining question “Why should I hire her?” See Storytell Results - main summary First Story Tile out of three Provide summary details Linkedin: Use Storytell on a Linkedin profile and extract a summary based upon what’s being viewed on the current webpage See Storytell Results Can Create Candidate Emails: When using specific prompts, Storytell is able to design tailored emails like rejection emails. See Storytell Results - compassionate tone In summary, our Storytell Chrome extension can help talent acquisition professionals in several ways and improve the candidate research experience. By using this technology, you can save time and increase efficiency. #technical #recruiting #candidate #storytell #chatgpt #bestof #chat #gpt4 #help #howto #explain #technical #talent #hire
Apr 12, 2023
In ↳ Prompt Knowledge Base
A Prompt Engineer is someone who creates prompts for a GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) chatbot. The prompts are the starting points for the chatbot's conversation. The job of a prompt engineer is to carefully design and curate these prompts in a way that will result in engaging and informative conversations with users. Main Duties of a Prompt Engineer: Designing Prompts: The prompt engineer is responsible for creating prompts that are engaging and informative. This involves understanding the needs of the users and designing prompts that will lead to meaningful conversations. For example, if the chatbot is designed to assist with customer service, the prompt engineer may design prompts that address common customer issues. Testing and Refining Prompts: Once the prompts are created, the prompt engineer must test them to ensure that they are effective. This involves analyzing user interactions with the chatbot and refining the prompts as needed. For example, if users are not responding well to a particular prompt, the prompt engineer may modify it or replace it with a new one. Monitoring Chatbot Performance: The prompt engineer is also responsible for monitoring the chatbot's performance and making adjustments as needed. This may involve analyzing user feedback, tracking user engagement, and making changes to the prompts to improve performance. Collaborating with Data Scientists and Developers: The prompt engineer often works closely with data scientists and developers to ensure that the chatbot is functioning properly. This may involve providing feedback on the chatbot's performance, suggesting improvements, and working together to implement changes. Similar Careers: Data Scientist: A data scientist is responsible for analyzing and interpreting complex data sets to identify patterns and trends. They may work closely with prompt engineers to help improve the chatbot's performance. Conversational Designer: A conversational designer is responsible for creating conversational experiences for users. They may work closely with prompt engineers to ensure that the chatbot's prompts are engaging and user-friendly. Why Prompt Engineering is a Good Job: High Demand: As chatbots become more popular, the demand for prompt engineers is expected to grow. Creative Freedom: Prompt engineers have the freedom to design and curate prompts in a way that will result in engaging and informative conversations. Collaborative Environment: Prompt engineers often work closely with data scientists, developers, and conversational designers, creating a collaborative work environment. #promptengineer #prompts #LLM #Learning #machinelearning #AI #career
Apr 12, 2023
In ↳ Prompt Knowledge Base
Creating effective prompts for Storytell requires careful consideration of several factors. A well-designed prompt can help generate high-quality responses that meet the needs of the user. In this guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step process for creating the best prompts for our chatbot, and other ChaptGPT powered chatbots. Step 1: Define the Objective of Your Prompt Before creating a prompt for our Storytell chatbot, it is important to define the objective of your prompt. Ask yourself what you want to achieve with this prompt. Do you want to generate a specific response, or do you want to gather information? Defining the objective of your prompt will help you create a more targeted and effective prompt. Example: Objective: To generate a creative response from our Storytell chatbot. Prompt: Write a short story about a time-traveling astronaut who lands on a distant planet and encounters a new civilization. See Storytell Results #creative #story #chatbot #objective #prompt Step 2: Provide Clear and Specific Instructions Once you have defined the objective of your prompt, you need to provide clear and specific instructions to our Storytell chatbot. Avoid using vague language or complex sentence structures that may confuse the model. Instead, use simple and concise language that clearly communicates what you want from the model. It can help to start with, “Act like X.” Example: Objective: To generate a response that provides information about LLM. Prompt: Act like a prompt engineer. Describe what large language model means. See Storytell Results #specific #clear #instructions #LLM #largelanguagemodel Step 3: Use Relevant Context Providing relevant context to our Storytell chatbot can help ensure that the model generates accurate and useful responses. Context can include information about the topic, the user's preferences, or any other relevant details that will help our chatbot generate a more relevant and accurate response. Example: Objective: To generate a response that provides information about a prompt engineer's background and duties. Prompt: Act like a prompt engineer. Describe your job function and duties. Provide clear examples of what your job function entails and why a person might want to become a prompt engineer. See Storytell Results #context #relevant #generate #response Step 4: Provide Examples Providing examples to our Storytell chatbot can help the model generate responses that are more closely aligned with what you are looking for. Examples can include sample responses, common phrases, or other relevant information that will help our chatbot better understand what you are looking for. Example: Objective: To generate a response that provides information about other career paths. Prompt: I am a prompt engineer. I enjoy working on designing detailed and effective prompts for chatgpt4 and its users. I have to provide clear instructions to users. What other careers might I be interested in with parallel interests? See Storytell Results #parallel #interests #clear #users #career #design Step 5: Test and Refine Your Prompt Once you have created your prompt, it is important to test it and refine it as needed. Testing your prompt can help you identify any issues or areas for improvement, and refining your prompt can help ensure that you are getting the best possible responses from our Storytell chatbot. Example: Objective: To generate a response that provides formatting about the user's job duties Prompt: I am a product manager. Create an outline that defines my job duties. See Storytell Results #refine #results #test #job #duties Refined Prompt: I am a product manager that leads a team of 10 people. Create an outline that defines my job duties. Include examples with each section. Create the outline in bullet format using the alphabet. See Storytell Results #format #outline #sectino #bullet #examples #teammanagement By following these steps, you can create effective prompts that generate high-quality responses from our Storytell chatbot. Remember to always consider the objective of your prompt, provide clear and specific instructions, use relevant context, provide examples, and test and refine your prompt as needed.
Apr 12, 2023
In Storytell Prompt Marketplace
Prompt: Act as a principle prompt engineer who specializes in large language models. Explain how to design the best prompts for product managers. Provide examples for each section. Answer: Sure, here are some tips on how to design the best prompts for product managers: 1. Identify the target audience: Before designing prompts, it's important to identify the target audience. In the case of product managers, the prompts should be designed to help them make better decisions, prioritize tasks, and manage their teams effectively. Example: `As a product manager, prioritize the following tasks for the upcoming quarter and explain your reasoning for each: (1) Launch a new product, (2) Improve the user experience of the existing product, (3) Expand the product's target market.` 2. Be specific and clear: The prompts should be specific and clear, and should provide enough information for the product manager to understand the task at hand. Example: `As a product manager, provide a detailed product roadmap for the upcoming quarter, including milestones, timelines, and budget.` 3. Use natural language: The prompts should be designed to use natural language, and should be easy to understand for the product managers. Example: `As a product manager, explain how you would use customer feedback to improve the product's user experience.` 4. Be aware of the audience: The prompts should be designed to be aware of the audience, and should be tailored to their specific needs and requirements. Example: `As a product manager, provide a detailed analysis of the market trends and customer needs, and explain how you would use this information to develop a new product.` 5. Use a variety of prompts: To keep the product managers engaged and interested, it's important to use a variety of prompts, including open-ended questions, multiple-choice questions, and scenario-based questions. Example: `As a product manager, provide a detailed analysis of the product's target market, including customer demographics, needs, and preferences. Then, explain how you would use this information to develop a marketing strategy for the product.` By following these tips, you can design the best prompts for product managers, which will help them make better decisions, prioritize tasks, and manage their teams effectively. See Storytell Results #principle #engineer #Product #director #AI #best #prompts #howto #guide #first #LLM #Design #natural #language #chatgpt4 #gpt4 #help #chatbot
Apr 12, 2023
In Storytell Prompt Marketplace
Prompt: Explain to me what large language model means. describe its definition as if I am 5 years old so I can fully understand how it work. provide examples. Answer: Sure, I'd be happy to help explain what a large language model is! A large language model is a computer program that is really good at understanding and using language, like how we talk and write to each other. Imagine that you're talking to a computer like it's a friend. You might say, `Hey, computer, what's the weather like today?` and the computer would be able to understand what you're asking and give you an answer, like `It's sunny and warm today.` The large language model is able to do this because it has been trained on a lot of different examples of language, like books, articles, and conversations. It has learned how to understand and use language like a human would. An example of a large language model is ChatGPT, which is a program that can talk to people and answer their questions. It's like having a really smart friend who knows a lot of things and can help you out when you're stuck. Overall, a large language model is a really cool computer program that can understand and use language like a human would. It can help us do things like answer questions, write articles, and even talk to us like a friend! See Storytell Results #definition #LLM #largelanguagemodel #ai #chatgpt #ELI5 #gpt4 #storytell #lesson #learning #education
What Does LLM Mean? content media
Apr 10, 2023
In Storytell Prompt Marketplace
Prompt Attempt #1: I want you to act as a UX/UI developer. I will provide some details about the design of an app, website or other digital product, and it will be your job to come up with creative and detailed ways to improve it's user experience and grow its user engagement. This could involve creating prototyping prototypes, testing different designs, doing user calls to better understand their pain points, and providing feedback on what works best. My first request is "I need help designing an intuitive navigation system for my new mobile application" Answer: See Storytell Results Prompt Attempt #2: I want you to act as a UX/UI developer. I will provide some details about the design of an app, website or other digital product, and it will be your job to come up with creative and detailed ways to improve it's user experience and grow its user engagement. This could involve creating prototyping prototypes, testing different designs, doing user calls to better understand their pain points, and providing feedback on what works best. My first request is "I need help designing an intuitive navigation system for my new mobile application". After this, my second request is "designing a user-friendly dashboard". Please list any other items I should include in the design that is user friendly and will help promote engagement. Answer: See Storytell Results | Source Idea #UI #UX #user #feedback #ai #chatbot #machinelearning #chatgpt4 #gpt4 #mobileapp #app #designer #developer
Apr 10, 2023
In Storytell Prompt Marketplace
I want you to act as a marketing advertiser. You will create a marketing campaign to promote Storytell ai chatgpt4 chatbot in the Google Chrome Extension. The target audiences are small businesses, tech startups, marketing associates, and customer success managers. Develop key messages and slogans, select the media channels for promotion, and decide on any additional activities needed to reach your goals including reaching 100 users by July 2023. Answer: See Storytell Chat Response | Source #prompt #marketing #advertising #campaign #ai #machinelearning #chatgpt #storytell #chatgpt4
Apr 10, 2023
In Storytell Prompt Marketplace
Prompt: I want you to act as a travel guide. I will write you my location and you will suggest a place to visit near my location. In some cases, I will also give you the type of places I will visit. You will also suggest me places of a similar type that are close to my first location. My first suggestion request is “I am in Istanbul/Beyoğlu and I want to visit only museums.” Answer: I am happy to help. Since you are in Istanbul/Beyoğlu and interested in visiting museums, I suggest you check out the Pera Museum, which is located in the Beyoğlu district and features a variety of art and cultural exhibits. Source #travel #chatbot #ai #suggestions #prompt #prompts
Travel Guide Assistant content media
Apr 10, 2023
In Storytell Prompt Marketplace
Prompt: I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector, and improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper-level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning the same, but make them more literary. I want you to only reply to the correction, and the improvements, and nothing else, do not write explanations. My first sentence is “istanbulu cok seviyom burada olmak cok guzel". #prompt #ai #teacher #language #machinelearning #chat #chatgpt #gpt4 | Source
English Translator, Spelling Corrector, and Improver content media
Apr 06, 2023
In Storytell Prompt Marketplace
Prompt: Generate a series of Facebook ads targeting specific users who are into artificial intelligence, machine learning, and chatgpt. Answer: Ad 1: 🔥 New Product Launch Alert! 🔥 🤖 Are you into Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and ChatGPT? 🚀 Get ready for our latest innovation! 👉 Click here to explore more! #AI #MachineLearning #ChatGPT #NewProduct Ad 2: 🌟 Attention AI Enthusiasts! 🌟 👀 Looking for the latest breakthrough in Machine Learning and ChatGPT? 🌐 Discover our new product and stay ahead in the AI game! 👉 Don't miss out! Click here now! #AI #MachineLearning #ChatGPT #NewProduct Ad 3: 📣 Calling all AI and Machine Learning experts! 📣 🔍 Discover our new product that will revolutionize the ChatGPT world! 💡 Get ready to experience the future of AI! 👉 Click the link to learn more! #AI #MachineLearning #ChatGPT #NewProduct Ad 4: 💡 Are you passionate about AI, Machine Learning, and ChatGPT? 🚀 Get ready for our game-changing new product launch! 🔥 Don't miss the chance to stay ahead in the AI world! 👉 Click here to find out more! #AI #MachineLearning #ChatGPT #NewProduct Ad 5: 🌐 AI and Machine Learning just got more exciting! 🌐 🤖 Introducing our new product in the ChatGPT realm! 🔥 Get ready to experience the future of AI! 👉 Click the link to explore now! #AI #MachineLearning #ChatGPT #NewProduct
Facebook Ad Ideas For The AI Space content media
Apr 06, 2023
In Storytell Prompt Marketplace
Prompt: Develop a chatbot script for a customer service representative to handle frequently asked questions and concerns. Answer: Hello! Welcome to our AI chatbot support. How can I assist you today? Here are some topics I can help you with: 1. Product boards 2. Teamspaces 3. Prompt usage 4. Workflow 5. Product feature matrices 6. Churn surveys Please type the number of the topic you need help with or type your question below. User: [User input] If the user selects a topic: Chatbot: You have chosen [topic]. Here's some information to help you: 1. Product boards: Product boards are a visual representation of your product's features and roadmap. They help you prioritize and manage your product's development. 2. Teamspaces: Teamspaces are collaborative workspaces where your customer experience team can work together on projects and share information. 3. Prompt usage: Prompt usage refers to the way your AI chatbot interacts with users, asking questions and providing information. It's important to have clear and concise prompts to ensure a smooth user experience. 4. Workflow: Workflow refers to the process your customer experience team follows to manage and resolve customer inquiries and issues. 5. Product feature matrices: Product feature matrices are a way to compare and contrast the features of different products or product versions. They can help you identify gaps and opportunities for improvement. 6. Churn surveys: Churn surveys are questionnaires designed to gather information from users who have stopped using your product or service. They can help you identify the reasons for customer attrition and improve your product or service. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to ask. User: [User input] If the user asks a question: Chatbot: Based on your question, I can provide the following information: [Answer the question based on the content provided]. If you need more help or have any other questions, feel free to ask. See Storytell Post | Source #ai #marketing #customerservice #cs #machinelearning #chatbot #chatgpt #gpt4 #content #user
Apr 05, 2023
In Storytell Prompt Marketplace
Prompt: List the key differences between Java and C++ in bullet format starting with Java. Provide examples for each. Then write any 'golden nuggets' found in this article. Create a presentation based on the findings. Create action items out of the presentation for team members to contemplate. Lastly, create an email notifying the team of the upcoming presentation. Answer: Key differences between Java and C++: Java: - Platform independence: Java code can run on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) without any changes to the code. - Memory management: Java uses automatic garbage collection to manage memory, freeing the programmer from manual memory management. - Access control: Java requires all data and functions to be within a class, ensuring a higher level of encapsulation. - Use cases: Java is more suitable for web-based and application development, thanks to its platform independence and higher-level abstractions. - Example: Java code for a simple class with a constructor and garbage collection: ```java public class MyClass { private int data; public MyClass(int data) { = data; } // Java garbage collector will automatically manage memory } ``` C++: - Platform dependence: C++ code is typically compiled for a specific platform, and changes may be needed to run on different platforms. - Memory management: C++ requires manual memory management using new and delete operators, constructors, and destructors. - Access control: C++ allows for more flexibility with data and functions, which can be outside of a class. - Use cases: C++ is more suitable for system programming and low-level applications, thanks to its closer relationship to hardware. - Example: C++ code for a simple class with a constructor and manual memory management: ```cpp class MyClass { int data; public: MyClass(int data) { this->data = data; } // C++ requires manual memory management, using new and delete ~MyClass() { // Destructor to clean up resources } }; ``` Golden nuggets from the article: - C++ is more powerful for system programming and low-level applications. - Java is more suitable for web-based applications and platform-independent development. Presentation outline: 1. Introduction to Java and C++ programming languages 2. Key differences between Java and C++ with examples 3. Use cases and advantages of each language 4. Golden nuggets and insights from the article 5. Conclusion and recommendations for language selection Action items for team members: 1. Review the differences between Java and C++ and consider how they apply to current and future projects. 2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each language for specific projects. 3. Explore opportunities to apply the insights from the article to improve development processes and language selection. Email to a speaker: Subject: Upcoming Presentation on Java and C++ Comparison Dear team, I have prepared a presentation on the differences between Java and C++ programming languages, based on a recent article. The presentation will cover key differences, examples, and insights from the article, and will help us better understand the advantages and disadvantages of each language for our projects. Please join us for the presentation on [Date and Time] in [Location or Virtual Meeting Link]. Following the presentation, we will have a discussion to consider action items and how we can apply the insights to our development processes. Looking forward to your participation and valuable input. Best regards, [Your Name] See Storytell Results | Source #storytell #chatgpt #ai #business #engineering #prompt #outline #presentation #goldenugget #keypoints #email #actionitems


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