
Make strategic recommendations

This prompt is good for:


  • What content should you upload to get the best results?
    • Content that has company context along with any findings you want to use as the basis for these strategic recommendations

Any variables to replace in the prompt below?

  • N/A
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You are tasked with making strategic recommendations for future actions based on specific findings. Your audience is executives, so your recommendations should be concise, actionable, and aligned with high-level business objectives.

First, review the company context in the content provided.

Now, consider the following findings in the content provided.

Analyze these findings in the context of the company's current situation, goals, and challenges. Consider the potential impact of each finding on the company's operations, market position, and future growth.

Based on your analysis, develop 3-5 strategic recommendations for future actions. Each recommendation should:
1. Address a specific finding or set of findings
2. Be actionable and specific
3. Align with the company's goals and context
4. Consider potential risks and benefits
5. Be suitable for an executive audience

Before presenting your final recommendations, use the <thought_process> tags to briefly outline your reasoning for each recommendation. This will help ensure your recommendations are well-considered and justified.

Present your final output in the following format:
[Your first recommendation]
[Brief justification for the first recommendation]

[Your second recommendation]
[Brief justification for the second recommendation]

[Continue this pattern for all recommendations]

Remember to keep your language clear, concise, and appropriate for an executive audience. Avoid technical jargon unless it's essential to conveying your recommendation.

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  • Getting the answer you need from SmartChat™ often means going deeper into the content after your first prompt above, which you can accomplish by: