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Join date: Apr 5, 2023


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My career passion is to lead and learn from teams of creatives, developers, researchers, and data scientists to drive efficient product and marketing innovation using human-centered design. 

I prioritize a "skin in the game" approach and work shoulder-to-shoulder with my team to produce quality work, rather than merely selling processes and frameworks. I have expertise that spans the entire product development lifecycle, from identifying opportunities through observation to creating low-fidelity prototypes, shipping products, upgrading them, and developing effective branding. 

I believe that while the typical default is to turn up the sound and stimulus when challenges arise—maximizing meetings, emails, and other informational inputs—the most creative and durable solutions often emerge from slow and silent attention to both data and the team's ability to function with pristine psychological safety and inclusion—a grow-from-openness course, using efficient structures and honoring the collective need for rest. 

My sabbatical taught me the value of embracing Gregory Bateson's "ecology of the mind," which urges incorporating all our strange and exotic parts into our work, much like the thousands of species working together in a jungle, to fuel innovation. Creativity and innovation are not separate from other forms of thinking but runs alongside, into, and out of them.

I always loved Robert A. Heinlein's quote, "Specialization is for insects." 


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