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Slack is where work happens
What if you could distill signal from all the noise?

Contact us if you'd like to install Storytell in your Slack workspace.

Get the TL;DR and Go Deeper

Storytell converts your long-form content into a summary Storytell report with Story Tiles™ that go deeper into each concept you discussed.

Storytell Helps You Compose

Need to compose a followup message, or anything else based on the meeting content? We've got you.

Chat with Storytell to Get Answers

You can ask Storytell anything about your content

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Summaries generated right in Slack

Share them with your organization in one click

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"My architecture team uses Storytell in our meetings
and finds it very useful."

- Brandon, Director of Engineering

Contact us if you'd like to install Storytell in your Slack workspace.


Or learn about our Chrome extension.

Image by SpaceX

Use Case Example: Use Storytell + Slack to

Transform your Internal Zoom Meetings
into 🚀 Go-To-Market Rocket Fuel

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Your company is already having lots (and lots) of internal Zoom meetings every day.

What if you could transform them into external value without doing any additional work?

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